Discover the Area of Interest (AOI) system, a powerful tool for singers and voice teachers. Designed to help develop familiarity with the vocal tract and improve proprioception, this system outlines five areas of interest that can be adjusted to produce various acoustic effects. Each AOI has fungible and non-fungible effects that can be manipulated to achieve different vocal qualities.

AOI Location Fungible Effects Non-Fungible Effects Anatomical Associations (Low Larynx, Shortened Neck Singing)
1 Overall Vocal Tract Length N/A Wavelength of the Fundamental Implied
2 Terminal Opening Raise/lower all resonant frequencies Improve impedance matching; reduce metallic quality perception Lips/Teeth
3 Closed End Raise/lower all resonant frequencies Improve impedance matching; increase metallic quality Above the Vocal Folds
4 1/3 Distance from Closed End Raise/lower second resonant frequency (F2) Non-fungible in some cases Behind the Tongue (Pharynx)
5 Pressure Antinode Raise/lower second resonant frequency (F2) Same non-fungible effects as AOI 4 Around the Uvula

This chart summarizes the effects and locations of each AOI. By understanding and applying the AOI system, singers can make informed adjustments to their vocal tracts, ultimately enhancing their singing abilities. Voice teachers can also use this system to help their students gain a better understanding of their own vocal tracts and develop improved proprioception skills.

A more detailed overview