Are there any GOOD examples of vocal pedagogy?

If you know anything about New School Singing, then you know that it rejects most of the core principles of mainstream classical singing pedagogy. NSS doesn’t even think it’s a good idea to call your voice an instrument. It doesn’t believe in opening the throat to maximize resonance space, it doesn’t think relaxing is going […]
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This rookie mistake will stop your singing career in its tracks

I managed to fail despite having the game somewhat rigged in my favor. Embarrassing!
„Basierend auf der Forschung von Leif Lundberg“

Hier kannst du die Originalversion mit Zitaten und Links finden: „Basierend auf der Forschung von Leif Lundberg“. Jene Phrase, die in David L. Jones ( neuestem Buch zu finden ist, gab den Hinweis, der mir endlich erlaubte, das Netz an Behauptungen zu entwirren, das Mr. Jones mythische Gesangstradition unterstützt. Bis ich Mr. Lundberg direkt […]
Based on the research of Leif Lundberg: David L Jones and the Swedish-Italian School of Singing

“Based on the research of Leif Lundberg”. That phrase, found in various materials by David L Jones (, was the clue that eventually allowed me to untangle the web of claims supporting Mr Jones’s mythical tradition of singing. Until I contacted Mr. Lundberg directly, I was unable to find any documentation that wasn’t based on […]
A New Phylogeny of Vocal Production

A new chiaroscuro for the classical singers of today.